Author Archives: countstex

Bump in the road

Not so wise

Continuing our adventures with Pathfinder Card Game we’ve been struggling to overcome the approach to Thistletop. Neither of our characters is particularly wise, and so far we’ve not managed to pick up many allies or items that can boost those stats. So when the adventure has two locations that require a wisdom check to close, even temporarily, it’s real hard to get that final villain put to rest.

Of course it dind’t help our first attemt that I forgot to actually add the villian to the decks, and only loaded henchmen, but still, we’ve had some real bad luck when it counted. But we are not to be put off so easily, this will be overcome in the end and we can actually finally get to chapter two for the first time. It will be interesting to see just how much things change up with a whole new batch of cards coming into the mix.

Finding the path

Pathfinder the Card Game – Rise of the Runelords

In a rare week of no cleaning in what is now officially the summer period, we headed back to the streets of Sandpoint on our adventures with The Pathfinder Card Game. Having forgotten where we were up to last time, we started over once again. We are in fact still missing parts 5 and 6 of the Rise of the Runeloards campaign, but have them on order now so they should turn up long before we get to them. And then we always have the Skull and Shackles campaign to get to after that. It’s nice to throw some actual physical dice about after a year or so of just watching digital ones on DnD Beyond, despite their best efforts to curse us! Hopefully, we will be able to stick with this for the rest of the week and actually make some good progress.

Decking upgrades

Raw Wood

Last year we built ourselves a new decking area in the courtyard. It replaced an old plant bed that was largely taken up with a fig tree. That was far too close to the house and in danger of damaging the wall so it had to go. Instead, we constructed this seating area, as well as new steps up to the main door we use to enter the house you can see to the left there.

Painted Highlights

This year we, that is the royal we because I hate painting things, painted the inner crossbeams white to give them a little more pop. Not bad looking I’d say. Not that we get a chance to use it in the summer due to work, but it’s a nice to have and I’m sure my Dad and Sue will enjoy it when they can finally return post-COVID.

Reverse angle with replaced store room doors