An Englishman on Bornholm


Not my usual lookTwenty plus degrees, little wind, clear skies, humidity often upwards of eighty percent. Perfect for a holiday island, unless of course you’re not here on holiday and in fact must clean, vacuum and mop houses and apartments all over said island. Then what you have is way too much warmth. I’ve spent most of the past few weeks pretty much soaked, so much so that I’ve had to purchase some bandannas just to keep the sweat from out of my eyes. I’m really not sure I’m the sort of guy that can pull off wearing one, but given the option of that or a head band I think it’s the saner choice! It’s also not a bad ploy to ensure people become used to me wearing one, so, should I ever go bald I can hide it whilst I lose enough to move onto the fully shaven head look πŸ˜‰

There seems to be a lot more work this year than last. I guess people are starting to feel more confident about spending their savings on holidays again, but playing a little safe and sticking to local countries.

[callout title=If ever we needed to hear][/callout][callout title=Winter is coming]it’s now[/callout]

Thus we’ve been working seven days a week pretty much straight throughout the summer so far, and from what we can tell it will follow through right into September. Frankly we’re both starting to become rather exhausted. That slow creeping exhaustion that comes from working that little bit harder than you body is fit enough for, whilst lacking the sleep due to warm muggy nights. Even with a little help from the heat pump running on cool.

If ever we needed to hear ‘Winter is coming’ it’s about now.

On the plus side, we now get fortnightly visits from Hjem-Is (Home-IceCreams) and he’s making a pretty penny off of us! But damn are they worth it, even their Ben and Jerry’s knock off Cookie Dough is rather nice.


First World Cup in Denmark


For the first time I’m viewing a World Cup from Denmark. This means no more Gary Lineker for me, nope now my football presenting is being handled by another legend, Peter Schmeichel.
It’s somewhat odd hearing that same voice but speaking his own Danish and not English. Thankfully my understanding is high enough, along with my knowledge of footballing phrases, that I can follow the analysis fairly well.
Everything is different, everything’s the same.

Back in the saddle

Screenshot 2014-05-22 14.56.23-smallYesterday was my first real riding day of the year. I haven’t been out since August 2013, I’m not sure why I stopped so early on. I think maybe I used the cycling as relaxation from the seven days a week work, and once that slackened off it lost the draw. But is certainly felt good to get out again and test the legs, which thankfully held out and haven’t caused me too much discomfort the day after.

One of the very best things of being on Bornholm is this ability to just go out, cycle, and be surrounded by great scenery the entire time. It helps you to forget the effort you are putting in and just enjoy the rolls of hill and valley, the fresh sea air, or sometimes the more ‘vitamin rich’ freshly fertilized fields πŸ˜‰

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The fields of rape seed are still in full bloom right now, covering the land in it’s golden shine, though I assume they are soon to be harvested and replaced with another crop. I believe much of the second crop is usually corn, which is used in animal feed for the great many pigs that also live here.

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Along the coast between BΓΈlshavn and Listed, the waves crash into rocky outcrops rather than the soft sands of the south. I’m always amazed at the drastic change in terrain from place to place on Bornholm, often feeling like a zone from an MMO were so much variety has been crammed in to so little space.

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I did take a bit of a rest stop down on Balka beach. The sand was soft and warm, but sadly right now the water is closed due to reasons yet unknown but something to do with waste πŸ™

Still, plenty of time for getting my feet wet this year yet!



Last autumn, one day in pouring rain, we planted a new hedge having previously ripped down the old overgrown one. The cold winter and strong winds had us fearing some would have perished however not a single one has died. A few centimetres of damage at the tips but they are all now growing strong. Will be nice for the house to not look so exposed from the road once it’s all thickened up.

Teeth Truth

I can cope with the white hairs, the wrinkles, the wavering strength and the taking ages to recover from even the slightest injury, but teeth are the worst aspect of getting older. I already have an absent molar, plus an implant, but I fear my cracked front tooth is on it’s way out. Damn I hate teeth. It’s the way they can’t repair themselves. The first signs of your body dying off. They really are such horrible reminders of mortality.